Mee Lab

Mee Lab was founded in 2020 from a collaboration between MEE Noord and Nhl Stenden University
Mee Lab wants to create a more supportive and innovative environment, their focus is on innovation necessities within the target group of vulnerable people with disabilities in the area of mild intellectual disability, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders and/or Non-Congenital Brain Injury.
Creating a "To do List" digital tool to help people with autism that experience switches in their energy levels throughout the day

App design
We created an onboarding to help our users understand the core functions of the app and the reasons behind them
The app is fundamentally a To-do-List but based on research insights that we gained during interviews and test sessions with our target audience

There’s three main concepts the app is based on:
-Color association to indicate the energy consumption that the user assume a certain task will take them
-Spoon theory, some people with ASD use it as a method to understand the limitations of their energy levels. Is important to know how much energy one has and be able to divide it throughout the different tasks of the day to lower the risk of feeling overwhelmed or burned out
-Scheduling rest moments in between tasks turned out to be a great way for ASD people to recharge and relax. The user can fill in energy-giving activities in the app and their schedule will automatically optimise adding rest moments to their To do’s
Most people we tested our prototype and concepts with were able to quite accurately estimate how much energy a certain task would take them
This is why is common to use color codes:
-Red for “Highly consuming”
-Orange for “Moderately consuming”
-Yellow for “Slightly consuming”
And then in the app we decided to also associate green to energy-giving activities (rest moments)

The task box's layout is also fruit of research, for some testers it was hard to define what a task is and how precise or vague should it be. So we implemented subtasks to help the user shape their own definition of a task
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